I still love this picture, even though it was our second or third go at it. The first couple were these horrible shots out near a train station in (get this) an ostrich farm, as I remember it. The train thing sounded good but I forgot about the pictures until just a few minutes before we needed to be there, so my hair was in an ever lovely ponytail. Still, I was not the worst part of that session.
As I remember, we were missing our keyboardist - the same keyboardist who answered cell phone calls on stage AND even when we were being televised - and I had to PhotoShop her in later.
Also, their horse decided he wanted to be in the picture, but not in a polite way. And then he showed us exactly what he thought of our pictures.
There are days I wished I drank...
Still, the band was great - for all the fighting and whatnot, I still loved it. It was weird and hard, but it was good. Back then, I only wrote too songs that we ever covered, but I wrote more studio type of stuff. I wrote stuff that needed productions behind them. Because the keyboardist couldn't quite get it down, performing it live was difficult. The other one was about one of the band member's now-ex-girlfriends. I think I gave it away when I titled it "Crazy Girl".
But it was harder back then. A lot harder. Whatever I was, I hadn't figured it out yet, but I thought I had. I struggled and put people through hell, I'm sure. And they returned the favor.
Still, these are the best people on the planet, but we're better with miles between us and visits once in awhile. Maybe we'll Fleetwood it sometime and finish what was started... maybe.
We'll see....