Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The World Sees My Blog!


I just checked out my stats for this blog and apparently the world is waiting patiently to see what my wee little fingertips will click out...


Maybe not the world...

But close...

See example one:

I have readers in the following countries:

United States
Hong Kong

I love the fact that people in Malaysia are reading this. There is some great trash in here; filled with yummy cherry goodness, but the whipped cream and added vitamin D is what gives it its richness.

I digress.... as I do.

Fact is, I am still trying to figure this whole blogging thing out, but I sure as heck am grateful you're all sticking it out. There's gold in them there hills! We just gotta find it.

Script Frenzy ends in a couple of days, so after editing it throughout May, I'm hoping to have a script up and ready to go by June.

Anyone interested in being part of the reading, let me know now! (P.S. If you leave comments here, you have to be a follower. But, as usual, I loooooooooooooooove comments!)

Sign up and sign up early!

P.S. - again, friendly reminder - Only 24 more shopping days until my birthday! (May 20th). I know everyone is busy, so I send out reminders because I know you want to remember, but are far too busy. Besides, I celebrate the Birthday Month - it gives you a bigger target than just one day. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

CD Wright, anyone?

I'd never heard of C.D. Wright until last night when I stumbled into a reading of hers - which was good - but weird. The list of weirdness goes on for a foot, but it at least generated an equally long list of my own writing. (Yea, a lone cry comes from the stands).

So, new parts to add to Ruby, and a new story line for The Sun. (And even bigger Yea!)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A kid's dream...

I had this dream, even since I was little. When I grew up, I wanted to work for Disney. I figured the least it would net me was a yearly pass. And maybe a tour into the secret underground lair (she giggles).

So, about 3 weeks ago, I found about a program that could land me at least on their very tiny radar. I've been wracking my brain for ideas and FINALLY, while watching two free movies (another story altogether), I came up with my ride story. Finally, finally, finally! When everything is submitted, I'll post it to my website (currently under construction). For now, the best I can do is my reaction to my own progress.

And that reaction tonight is super duper bubblicious excited. It's like getting to draw and paint all day and getting paid to do it.

Yeah, uh huh, yeah, uh-huh (that's me doing my happy dance and singing).

More to come.....

Friday, April 15, 2011

Trouble with leaving comments

If you are having trouble leaving comments, try signing up as a follower to see if that helps. I beleive only followers can leave comments at this time.


A new name... help anyone?

I've been going back and forth on my pen name. I would love other people's input. My husband would love for me to use my married name, Van Gelder, but I worry about kooky people in the world tracking me down and causing crazy problems in my homestead. (And yes, I have actually had problems with this, hence the desire to avoid it - not that I don't like calling the police at 4 am to explain why there is a half-naked dude in my kitchen, professing his neverending love, and offering up a small gerbil to prove this love.)

I have a overabundance of names to use that are actually mine:

1) Holderman (this was actually on my first incorrect birth certificate)
2) Robinson (this was actually on my second incorrect birth certificate and comes from the crazy man who was the second of five to marry my mother)
3) Seeger (this is actually my father's last name, but has yet to appear on a proper birth certificate - don't get me started)
4) Van Gelder (my current last name which I share with my true love)

Any ideas out there?

So... Writing

It's been difficult to write. Ideas are all in my head, but even just opening the computer has become an obstacle. I made it far enough to start reading through my old "The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars" script. I haven't edited anything because I'm trying to ferret out a better, stronger storyline before I start messing around with anything.

Part of what's holding me back is the change in my medications, too. Grrr... My body gets settled into one schedule and then Booomp, we have a problem. For now, I'm getting back up from the latest change and am seeing what I can do.

I'm trying to rest when I absolutely can, but I've also signed up to do "Annie" with Olivia, so 'rest' is now an operative word.

Cross your fingers that I am able to get back up on ye ole writing horse again... but that laundry is looking mighty fine...